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Tag: 75067 Dentist

Is a Fluoride Treatment for My Child Necessary? | Pediatric Dentist in Lewisville

Posted on July 15, 2024

A healthy smile is important for both you and your child. Each time your child visits Lewisville Kids Dentistry, our dentist will check their teeth and discuss their dental habits. We can also determine whether your child is getting enough fluoride, which is found in most toothpaste and mouth rinses available at grocery stores. Fluoride helps your child develop strong, healthy teeth, benefiting them throughout their life.

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral composed of fluorine, an element found in the earth. It is present in drinking water and helps strengthen teeth during their development stages. When applied appropriately, fluoride fortifies tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay. Many dental products contain fluoride for this purpose.

Benefits of Fluoride Treatment for Children

Fluoride helps maintain a bright and healthy smile! Regular use of fluoride reduces your child’s risk of tooth decay. Additionally, a decreased cavity risk means fewer extractions and less pain and discomfort associated with tooth decay.

How Does Fluoride Help Prevent Cavities in Children?

Fluoride contains minerals that can slow down or even stop tooth decay. It strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to cavities. Fluoride helps by remineralizing the exposed surface of the tooth. By using fluoride, maintaining good oral hygiene, and eating a healthy diet, you can reduce decay and help your child maintain a beautiful smile.

What is Topical Fluoride?

Topical fluoride is a fluoride treatment applied directly to your child’s teeth by a dental professional. During their bi-annual appointment at Lewisville Kids Dentistry, your child’s dentist or dental hygienist will apply fluoride to their teeth. The application is quick, easy, and only takes a few minutes.

Is Fluoride Safe for My Child?

Fluoride is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay in children, helping to keep their teeth strong and healthy. Parents should monitor the use of fluoride products at home and keep them away from young children. Fluoride does not pose a threat unless used in extreme and excessive amounts. Consult your child’s pediatric dentist at Lewisville Kids Dentistry if you have concerns about fluoride use.

How is Fluoride Applied?

Fluoride is applied directly to your child’s teeth with a soft brush. Your child’s pediatric dentist will inform you of any aftercare restrictions and how you may introduce more fluoride into your child’s dental hygiene routine if necessary.

What are the Side Effects of Fluoride?

Fluoride is only dangerous when used in excessive amounts. High levels of fluoride exposure can cause dental fluorosis or skeletal fluorosis. Dental fluorosis occurs when a child is exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride, resulting in white streaks or spots on their teeth. Prolonged excessive fluoride use can cause skeletal fluorosis, affecting bones and joints. At Lewisville Kids Dentistry, your child’s pediatric dentist will monitor the amount of fluoride used and check for any signs of dental fluorosis.

Contact Us

If you have any concerns or questions regarding the use of fluoride, please contact Lewisville Kids Dentistry. We will be more than happy to schedule an appointment and ensure your child’s dental health is on the right track.

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

Keeping Enamel in Good Condition | Lewisville Kids Dentistry

Posted on July 1, 2024

Have you noticed white spots on your teeth? Are they sensitive? Do you see any cracks, chips, or indentations? These could be signs of enamel erosion.

Understanding Enamel Erosion

Dental enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, protecting our teeth from daily wear and tear. However, even this strong barrier can wear down over time. Without enamel, teeth are susceptible to decay, abscesses, pain, and even tooth loss.

Factors Contributing to Enamel Erosion

Several factors can cause enamel erosion, many of which are related to daily habits and diet. Here are some common culprits:

  • Sugary and Acidic Drinks: Frequent consumption of soft drinks and sugary fruit drinks can erode enamel. To protect your teeth, limit these beverages.
  • High-Sugar and Starchy Diet: Foods high in sugar and starch, such as white bread, can be harmful. Bacteria in the mouth convert these substances into acids that attack enamel.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol can also contribute to enamel erosion.
  • Health Issues: Conditions like acid reflux, recurrent vomiting, and digestive issues can lead to enamel erosion.
  • Genetic Factors: Some people are genetically predisposed to weaker enamel.
  • Bruxism: Grinding your teeth can wear down enamel.
  • Improper Oral Hygiene: Over-brushing and under-flossing can damage enamel.

Preventing Enamel Erosion

While enamel cannot be replaced once it is lost, there are several steps you can take to protect it:

  1. Limit Harmful Foods and Drinks: Reduce your intake of soft drinks, alcohol, sugars, and starches.
  2. Healthy Diet: Opt for whole grains instead of white bread and incorporate more cheese and yogurt into your diet. These foods are high in calcium, which helps neutralize harmful acids.
  3. Hydration and Saliva Production: Drink plenty of water and chew sugar-free gum to boost saliva production, which helps neutralize acids.
  4. Proper Oral Hygiene: Brush gently twice a day and floss daily to maintain healthy enamel.

Additional Considerations

Enamel erosion can also result from other conditions, such as excessive grinding of the teeth or acid reflux. It’s essential to address these issues with your dentist to prevent further damage.

Schedule a Dental Check-Up

At Lewisville Kids Dentistry, we prioritize your child’s dental health. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for detecting early signs of enamel erosion and addressing them promptly. During your visit, we will discuss potential causes and offer solutions to protect your child’s enamel and overall dental health.

Don’t wait until it’s too late, schedule an appointment with our dental team today to ensure your child’s smile stays healthy and strong.

Contact Us

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Lewisville Kids Dentistry. We’re here to help your child maintain a bright, healthy smile!

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

Improve your Oral Health with Probiotics | Pediatric Dentist in Lewisville

Posted on June 15, 2024

Probiotics, often associated with digestive health, have shown promising benefits for oral health in recent studies. Lewisville Kids Dentistry explains how probiotics can improve your child’s oral health.

Reducing Gingivitis
Probiotics have been found to reduce gum bleeding in children with gingivitis. In a trial, children who took probiotics for three weeks showed significantly improved gingival health compared to those given a placebo. This suggests that probiotics can help manage gingivitis, promoting healthier gums.

Managing Periodontitis
Probiotics have also shown effectiveness against periodontitis, a severe gum disease caused by bacterial infection. By fighting harmful bacteria and reducing inflammation, probiotics aid in the healing of gum tissues affected by periodontitis.

Preventing Cavities
Research published in Contemporary Clinical Dentistry revealed that probiotics led to a notable decrease in plaque among children who took them regularly. This decrease in plaque also meant a reduction in decay-causing bacteria, contributing to better oral health.

Freshening Breath
Probiotics can also help maintain fresh breath by reducing the presence of odor-causing bacteria. By promoting a healthy balance of oral bacteria, probiotics minimize the release of volatile sulfur compounds responsible for bad breath.

Beyond Digestive Health
Probiotics offer more than just digestive benefits; they play a vital role in maintaining overall oral and bodily health. If you’re interested in learning more about how probiotics can benefit your child’s dental health, contact Lewisville Kids Dentistry today.

As your trusted pediatric dentist in Lewisville, we’re here to provide comprehensive dental care for your child’s healthy smile. Schedule an appointment with us to ensure your child’s oral health is in good hands.

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

Taking Care of Your Teeth During Pregnancy | Lewisville Kids Dentistry

Posted on June 1, 2024

It’s crucial not to neglect oral health during pregnancy. Hormonal changes can have a significant impact on oral health, and there’s evidence linking oral health complications to other significant health problems. So, what’s the most common oral health issue during pregnancy, and how can you prevent it? Here are some tips from Lewisville Kids Dentistry.

Oral Health Issues During Pregnancy
Many pregnant women don’t visit the dentist as often as they should. Most pregnant women experience gingivitis, characterized by red, swollen, and bleeding gums due to plaque buildup. In some cases, this can lead to non-cancerous pregnancy tumors. Untreated oral health problems can escalate into serious health issues.

Preventing Gum Problems
The best way to prevent gingivitis is by brushing your teeth twice a day, ensuring every part of the tooth, including the gums, is touched. Regular flossing also helps keep your gums healthy. Additionally, frequent visits to our dentist reduce plaque buildup and minimize potential problems.

The Impact on Your Baby
According to the Academy of General Dentistry, there may be a link between gingivitis and preterm or low-birthweight babies. Gingivitis can allow bacteria to enter the mother’s bloodstream and travel to the uterus, releasing chemicals that may trigger early labor.

Maintaining good oral health during pregnancy is crucial to avoid these problems. Consulting our dentist before or during pregnancy ensures the safety of both you and your unborn child. We also recommend bringing your baby to Lewisville Kids Dentistry as soon as their first tooth erupts to start them on the path to good oral health.

For more information, contact Lewisville Kids Dentistry today. We’re here to ensure the well-being of both you and your little one’s smiles.

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

Are My Child’s Medications Impacting Their Oral Health? | 75067 Pediatric Dentist

Posted on May 15, 2024

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 20% of children are on regular prescription medications. As this trend continues to rise, it’s crucial to understand how certain medications can affect your child’s dental health. Here are five ways medications may influence your child’s oral health, and why it’s important to keep us informed during their regular dental check-ups.

  1. Dry Mouth

Many medications can reduce saliva production, leading to dry mouth. Saliva plays a vital role in neutralizing acids that can harm teeth. Without enough saliva, the risk of tooth decay increases. If your child experiences dry mouth, our team can provide recommendations to mitigate the risk of decay and maintain oral health.

  1. Gum Tissue Enlargement

Some medications may cause gum tissue to enlarge or overgrow. This can lead to gum inflammation and require extra attention to prevent complications. Our team can offer specific care instructions to ensure your child maintains healthy gums while on these medications.

  1. Tooth Decay

While most medications don’t directly cause tooth decay, those containing sugar as flavoring can contribute to decay over time. Opting for sugar-free versions of medications whenever possible and ensuring your child takes them with food and water can help mitigate this risk.

  1. Increased Gum Bleeding

Certain medications can affect blood clotting, leading to increased bleeding, particularly during oral surgeries or tooth extractions. Informing our team of your child’s medications before any dental treatment allows us to provide appropriate care and minimize potential complications.

  1. Soft Tissue Reactions

Some medications may cause inflammation, discoloration, or sores in the mouth. If your child experiences any of these symptoms, it’s essential to contact us promptly. We can develop a customized oral hygiene plan to alleviate these side effects and ensure your child’s comfort.

Keeping Us Informed

Informing our team about your child’s medications enables us to tailor our treatment recommendations accordingly. If you notice any changes in your child’s oral health, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our goal is to establish lifelong healthy habits and improve your child’s oral health together.

Contact Us Today

If you have any questions about your child’s medications or their oral health, or if you need to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact Lewisville Kids Dentistry. Our pediatric dental office is here to support you and your child on their journey to optimal oral health.

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

Do I Need to Worry About My Child’s Oral Health? | Pediatric Dentist Lewisville

Posted on May 1, 2024

The human mouth is teeming with bacteria, but not all of them are harmful. Let’s delve into what you should know about the bacteria inhabiting your child’s mouth and how to maintain their oral health.

Understanding Oral Bacteria

With over 700 identified strains of oral bacteria, it’s essential to recognize that most people harbor only a fraction of these strains at any given time. Among them, probiotic bacteria play a beneficial role in digestion. However, certain bacteria pose a threat to your child’s dental health, contributing to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Harmful Effects of Bacteria

Your child’s mouth provides an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive, especially when fueled by starches and sugars from their daily diet. Some bacteria metabolize these substances into acids, which erode tooth enamel, leading to decay and other oral health issues.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene

The cornerstone of managing oral bacteria is practicing excellent oral hygiene. Encourage your child to brush their teeth thoroughly for at least two minutes, twice daily, and to floss regularly. Using an antibacterial mouthwash can also help control bacterial growth. Additionally, a balanced diet low in sugar, acids, and starches can reduce the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

Beneficial Bacteria

Not all bacteria are harmful; some play a vital role in maintaining overall health. By adhering to a consistent oral hygiene routine, you can support the growth of beneficial bacteria while keeping harmful ones in check. During your child’s dental visit, our team will provide a thorough cleaning and examine for any signs of decay or other oral health issues.

Get in Touch With Us

If you have any concerns or need further guidance on maintaining your child’s oral health, our dental team is here to help. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment to ensure your child’s mouth remains healthy and free from harmful bacteria. Contact Lewisville Kids Dentistry today for more information.

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

Safeguard Your Child’s Smile: A Guide from Pediatric Dentist Lewisville | Pediatric Dentist in Lewisville

Posted on April 15, 2024

Losing a tooth can disrupt essential functions like chewing, speaking, and smiling, especially during sports activities, which pose a higher risk of dental injuries. At Lewisville Kids Dentistry, we prioritize your child’s dental health and offer solutions to protect their precious smile. Let’s explore the importance of mouthguards and why they’re essential for your child’s oral safety.

Why Mouthguards Matter: Mouthguards are specially designed to shield teeth, tongue, jaw, and lips from injuries. Typically, they cover the upper teeth, which are more vulnerable to damage due to their protrusion.

Who Needs a Mouthguard: If your child participates in high-contact sports like hockey, football, wrestling, or boxing, wearing a mouthguard is crucial. However, even non-contact sports enthusiasts like baseball players or gymnasts can benefit from mouthguard protection against unexpected oral injuries.

Custom vs. Store-Bought Mouthguards: While store-bought mouthguards are available, they may not offer the best fit or comfort. Custom-fitted mouthguards, tailored to your child’s mouth, ensure optimal protection without hindering breathing or speech. At Lewisville Kids Dentistry, we can craft a custom mouthguard during your child’s next dental visit, especially vital if they wear braces.

Prioritize Your Child’s Oral Safety: Imagine the difficulty of talking, eating, or smiling with a missing tooth. Each practice or competition session puts your child’s mouth at risk, emphasizing the need for protective mouth gear. Ensure your child’s dental health is safeguarded by contacting our office today. We’re here to address any concerns about your child’s dental care and schedule their next dental appointment promptly.

Protecting your child’s smile is our top priority at Pediatric Dentist Lewisville. Let’s keep their teeth safe and their smile bright during all their adventures.

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

Nurturing Your Baby’s Dental Wellness with Pediatric Dentist Lewisville | 75067 Pediatric Dentist

Posted on April 1, 2024

Ensuring your infant’s oral health is crucial for their overall well-being. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlight tooth decay as a significant childhood disease, surpassing even common conditions like asthma. As a parent, you play a pivotal role in laying the foundation for your child’s lifelong oral health. Here’s how you can start promoting optimal dental care practices from infancy with Lewisville Kids Dentistry:

  1. Clean Gums for a Bright Smile: Even before your baby’s teeth emerge, it’s essential to clean their gums. Use a clean, damp cloth to gently wipe their gums after feeding to remove any food residue. This simple practice helps prevent gum disease and should be done at least twice a day.
  2. Introduce Fluoride-Free Toothpaste: As you establish a routine for cleaning your baby’s gums, consider introducing the taste of toothpaste. Consult our team at Lewisville Kids Dentistry before using any toothpaste on your baby’s gums. Start with a tiny amount to familiarize your baby with the taste and texture.
  3. Brushing Begins with Tooth Eruption: Once your baby’s first tooth emerges, it’s time to start brushing. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush designed for infants and use a pea-sized amount of child-friendly toothpaste. Gently brush their teeth and gums to remove plaque and prevent decay.
  4. Schedule Their First Dental Visit: The eruption of your baby’s first tooth marks the perfect time for their initial dental visit. Schedule their first examination with Pediatric Dentist Lewisville within six months of the tooth’s appearance. Regular dental check-ups, at least twice a year, are essential for maintaining their oral health.

Start your baby’s oral health journey early to instill lifelong habits for a healthy smile. Don’t wait for their first tooth to emerge—contact Lewisville Kids Dentistry if you have any concerns or to schedule their first dental appointment. Together, we can ensure your child’s dental wellness from the very beginning.

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

How A Musical Instrument Can Affect Oral Health | Lewisville Pediatric Dentist

Posted on March 15, 2024

A seemingly harmless hobby may actually be putting your child’s oral health at risk. If your child participates in the school band or is learning an instrument at home, there

can be underlying health risks. This is particularly true if your child plays instruments such as the flute, saxophone, or clarinet. Instruments that require contact with the mouth can be a home for germs and bacteria.Here’s what you can do to keep your child healthy.

The Risk of a Musical Instrument

The potential issue is not with the instrument’s mouthpiece alone. Children who join their school’s band program often get instruments loaned to them. If the instrument is not properly sanitized between students, bacteria and fungi can grow for months after use. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, woodwind and brass instruments are most commonly affected. Proper sanitation can reduce the bacteria found covering these instruments.

The Dangerous Effects of Bacteria

A 2011 study published in the journal of the Academy of General Dentistry uncovered the extent of bacteria in school instruments. Thirteen instruments were tested from a high school after one week of being played, and over 442 different types of bacteria were found. Aside from bacteria, molds and yeasts were also discovered on the instruments. Many types of bacteria can be dangerous and cause staph infections, asthma, and skin infections. Doctors are starting to find certain bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, which makes cleaning your child’s instruments even more important.

Reducing the Risk 

Not only is it extremely important to sterilize your child’s instrument after someone else uses it, but you should be cleaning the instrument after every use. Focus on keeping the mouthpiece clean and free of bacteria. Taking the instrument apart and cleaning it with a new cloth daily can help keep bacteria at bay. 

Learning a musical instrument can be an educational and a rewarding experience for your child. Knowing about the risks of improper sanitation and the correct steps to take to sanitize your child’s instrument will help them stay healthy. Our office encourages families to visit the dentist at least twice a year to avoid oral health complications. For more information or to schedule your next appointment, please contact us today.

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

Chewing Gum and Your Oral Health | Pediatric Dentist Lewisville

Posted on March 1, 2024

Sugary, sticky, and sweet candies can damage your teeth by increasing your risk of decay. Though gum can be considered a type of candy, chewing sugarless gum approved by the ADA can actually help protect teeth and prevent tooth decay. Here’s what you need to know about gum and your teeth.

How Gum Prevents Decay 

Chewing gum helps increase the production of saliva. Chewing sugarless gum for twenty minutes following meals can help prevent tooth decay because the saliva helps wash away food and other debris from the surface of your teeth. Increased salivary flow can also neutralize acids that bacteria produce inside your mouth. Over time, acid can break down tooth enamel, leading to decay. Saliva contains calcium and phosphate, which aid in strengthening tooth enamel.

The American Dental Association (ADA) Seal 

The ADA Seal assures you that the gum is sugarless and has met the ADA’s criteria for safety and effectiveness. ADA-labeled products are tested to ensure they provide the benefits guaranteed by the seal. Companies must verify all relevant data with the ADA to become certified. If you are unable to brush for a short period of time, chewing gum with the ADA seal is a great option to help clean your teeth after a meal or snack.

Does chewing gum replace brushing?

No. Chewing gum for twenty minutes after a meal helps but is not a replacement for

brushing and flossing. You should brush at least twice each day, for at least two full minutes. Chewing gum also does not eliminate your need for regular dental examinations. Our dentist recommends scheduling two visits each year, with additional visits necessary for high-risk patients with oral health conditions.

Chewing sugarless gum has noticeable benefits for your oral health, such as increasing the production of saliva. While this can help prevent the build up of decay-causing bacteria, chewing gum should not be used as a substitute for brushing or flossing. Our dentist recommends that if you are chewing gum, be sure to choose an ADA approved brand of sugarless gum. 

If you have concerns that your child may have possible tooth decay, schedule an examination with our dentist as soon as possible.

Lewisville Kids Dentistry
Phone: (972) 436-9121
501 S Stemmons Fwy
Lewisville, TX 75067

Read Our Lewisville Pediatric Dental News


Is a Fluoride Treatment for...

July 15th 2024

A healthy smile is important for both you and your child. Each time your child visits Lewisville Kids Dentistry, our dentist will check their teeth and discuss their dental habits. We can also determine whether your child is getting enough fluoride, which is found in most toothpaste and mouth rinses available at grocery stores. Fluoride...
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Keeping Enamel in Good Condition...

July 1st 2024

Have you noticed white spots on your teeth? Are they sensitive? Do you see any cracks, chips, or indentations? These could be signs of enamel erosion. Understanding Enamel Erosion Dental enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, protecting our teeth from daily wear and tear. However, even this strong barrier can wear down...
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Improve your Oral Health with...

June 15th 2024

Probiotics, often associated with digestive health, have shown promising benefits for oral health in recent studies. Lewisville Kids Dentistry explains how probiotics can improve your child’s oral health. Reducing GingivitisProbiotics have been found to reduce gum bleeding in children with gingivitis. In a trial, children who took probiotics for three weeks showed significantly improved gingival...
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